Monday, April 28, 2008

Getting Not-So-Technical With Technorati

I looked up some of the newer posts tagged "Learning 2.0" and I was curious to know what twitters was as that was referenced on the first one and apparently it is micro blogging. I guess I would have never found that out if I didn't do this exercise. Technorati to me is just another search engine. It is pretty easy to use and I guess the more you have at your disposal the more you will learn. It is certainly opening my eyes to a lot of different avenues of information that you can get on your computer.

In looking at the blogs that other people have posted I observed that celebrity commenting is very prevalent, something I knew before but never realized the extent that people would be interested in it. I can definitely see how this could be a learning tool and a place for socializing and finding out different opinions and really opening your mind and learning new things. I would think advertising firms, and businesses would be able to keep abreast of all of the new trends and act accordingly. In this economy ways of saving money would also be of interest.

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